Day care and education

The right to free school transport in the city of Rauma is granted for students in first or second grade whose distance to school is more than three (3) kilometres, and for students in third to ninth grade whose school trip to a nearby school is more than five (5) kilometres. A student who has received a transportation benefit may have to travel part of the school trip on their own. A student is also entitled to school transport if the school trip is too difficult, tiresome or dangerous, taking into account the student’s age and circumstances.

In basic education, the school transport is organized primarily with public transport, but charter transport can also be used. Taxi service is provided when public transport or charter transport are not appropriate or possible.

Office assistant Paula Lahtinen decides on school transport for basic education.

Applying for school transport

School transport can be applied for on a paper form, which is available from schools, the Pyyrman service point and the city’s education administration. The form can also be printed via the link on this page.

Applications for basic education taxi service must be made annually. For bus transport, applications for first or second grade are made before the start of first grade, applications for third to sixth grade before the start of third grade and applications for seventh to ninth grade before the start of seventh grade. Bus transport can be granted for several academic years at a time. If the factors affecting the transport benefit (eg school or home address) change, the transport application must always be resubmitted.

Transport applications for the following academic year must be made during April (preferably not earlier), although it is possible to apply throughout the academic year. Applications submitted in April will be processed and decisions will be published / sent by the end of June.