Housing and environment

Actions focused on the built environment need almost always a permit. It is recommended to be in touch with the building supervision well in advance to make sure what kind of permit is needed for the project. Advance guidance helps to get all the needed statements in time, and ensures that after leaving the application there is as little as possible needs for supplementations.

Whether you need to apply for a permit is influenced by e.g. the size of the project and the location of the construction site.


  • Building permit is needed e.g. for constructing a building, extensive repair and alteration work and for substantially changing the purpose of use of a building or part of it.
  • Action permit is required e.g. for the construction or placement of a smaller structure or facility, changing the facade of the building or changing the spatial arrangements of the building.
  • Reporting procedure can be applied in different parts of the municipality to actions that require an action permit. The procedure is specified in the building regulation.
  • Landscape work permit is needed for projects that change the landscape, cutting down trees, or other similar actions. There are separate instructions for cutting down individual trees at the plot.
  • Demolition permit is required to demolish a building at the zoning plan area. A permit is also needed at the master plan area if stated in the plan
  • Demolition notification has to be made even if the demolishing doesn´t require a permit.
  • Overtime appliction has to be made if the building project cannot be started or finished in specified time.

Building can also require other permit processes. Before applying for a building permit or an action permit it may be necessary to apply for a derogation.  You will need a derogation if you want to deviate from an existing zoning plan or building regulation. Derogating from the waterfront planning also requires a derogation permit.

From the electric services planners can order a neighbour report for the permit.