Paxlovid-medication for Covid-19 treatment in use in Rauma healthcare services

Paxlovid-medication for Covid-19 treatment in use in Rauma healthcare services

Paxlovid Covid-19 medication has been taken into use in Rauma healthcare center. The medication is intended to be used for patients who belong to Paxlovid risk groups defined by the Finnish Ministry of social affairs and health. The risk groups are available in Finnish on the Satasairaala website The treatment can be started only if the criteria are met.

The medication should be taken as early as possible, within five days from the start of symptoms. The goal is to prevent a difficult infection in patient groups that are at risk of developing a difficult infection.

The are limited amounts of Paxlovid in Satakunta and in Rauma and the treating doctor will determine the need for the medication in individual cases.

Pregnancy, being under 18 years of age, dysfunction of the liver or kidney, or incompatible medication prevent the treatment. The medication has many combined effects with other pharmaceuticals.

Treatment prescribed by a doctor is free for the patient.

The treatment can be started after a positive PCR test

People in risk groups A, B, C, and D must seek covid-testing as soon as they have symptoms. In Rauma they must primarily contact the respiratory infection reception by calling tel. +358 403 5234 Monday to Thursday from 9 AM to 4 PM and on Fridays 9 AM to 2 PM.

If the test is positive, people in the risk group A must contact Satasairaala or Rauma healthcare services. Risk groups B, C, and D must contact Rauma healthcare services.