Hazardous waste

Kuvassa maalipurkkeja


Hazardous waste includes substances that, even in small quantities, have the potential to harm human health and the environment. Hazardous waste must never be mixed with other waste. You should always return all explosives, fireworks and emergency flares to the place where you bought them or hand them over to the police. All medicines and mercury- in-glass thermometers should be returned to a pharmacy.

Free of charge reception for hazardous waste to private individuals at The Hevossuo Waste Treatment Centre. Return items in their original packaging whenever possible. If you no longer have the packaging, please label your waste clearly.


  • waste oil and oily waste
  • batteries and battery fluids
  • paint, glue, varnish and solvents
  • chemicals
  • pesticides and crop protection products
  • repellents
  • brake and clutch fluids, anti-freezes
  • batteries and rechargeable batteries
  • full or partially full aerosols
  • medicines and mercury-in-glass thermometers


  • incandescent and halogen bulbs, fuses
  • toner and ink cartridges
  • video and cassette tapes, computer discs