Course schedule

Rauma Theatre School Courses
Academic year 2024-2025 starts in August at the new Kari kampus
Autumn semester starts on Monday 26.8.2024
Autumn break is 21.-25.10. (week 43)
Autumn term ends on Wednesday 11.12.
Spring term starts on Tuesday 7.1.2025
Winter holiday is 17.-21.2. (week 8)
No lessons on Holy Thursday 17.4., nor on Easter Monday 21.4.,
nor on Eve of May Day 30.4
Spring term ends on Wednesday 21.5.2025
15.00-16.30 Theatre school 1
16.45-18.15 Theatre school 5
15.00-16.30 Theatre school 4
16.45-18.45 Theatre school 7
15.00-16.30 Theatre school 3
16.45-18.15 Theatre school 2