Rauma Knitting Patterns

Rauma Wool Socks

Inspired by Rauma’s summer town scene, local resident Pirkko Grönqvist designed the Rauma wool socks. The pattern is available in Finnish and English in the attachments.
You can pick up a printed copy from local craft shops, Rauma libraries, Kistupuadi museum shop, Savila tourist information centre and Pyyrman service point.
Rauma Lace Sweater

Christmas City Rauma is giving a lace patterned Rauma knitted sweater pattern for free use by all Rauma residents and other knitters. The design has been created by lace artist Tarmo Thorström and Katrina Salo. The inspiration for the design came from Uus kultseppä and Mandeljepyri laces.
Lace artist Tarmo Thorström has also chosen the thread used in the Rauma knitting needle. The double-stranded Myrskyluodon Villa foam yarn is made from the wool of Åland sheep from the Ali-Unki sheep farm in Eurajoki.
The yarn is available in Ali-Unki farm shop and online shop, as well as in the online shop on myrskyluodonvilla.fi. You can also use other wool yarn of similar thickness. The lace pattern also works for hats and cardigans, for example.