Invest in
We strengthen Rauma’s vitality by promoting new investment and new operators in the region. With the help of our local cooperation network, we help to reliably implement even large investments.

The location of businesses

The City of Rauma and its network will assist companies in all matters relating to location, premises and the search for partners. We gather the information needed to find a solution for a company looking for a location. The network of partners includes all the main private and public service providers. We provide a multidisciplinary service to businesses in areas such as:
- premises
- plots of land
- labor
- recruitment services
- workforce training solutions
- financial solutions
- subcontracting and partnerships
- logistics and telecommunications
- networking services

Port of Rauma and Seaside Industry Park
The maritime industry and maritime logistics have a long tradition in the Rauma region. Today, the maritime cluster is still one of the most important sources of employment in the region.
Business Rauma marketing video
The Business Rauma marketing video broadens the vision of foreign and domestic investors of the business opportunities offered by the city. Business representatives can use the video to meet their own needs, such as attracting talent and showcasing their business.

Explore Rauma’s diverse business areas.
We can tailor plots to meet the different needs of businesses.
Competitive business environment

Rauma is a vibrant maritime city of around 40 000 inhabitants, home to two UNESCO World Heritage sites. The Rauma region’s economy is industry-driven, with forestry, marine technology, metalworking and food processing as key sectors.
The developing Port of Rauma offers a competitive environment for foreign trade by sea, making Rauma an attractive location for companies linked to the port.
The land-use planning for the expansion of the Rauma port on approximately 65 hectares in Järviluoto is underway. The land-use planning for the approximately 300 hectares of the Lakari business park has also been started. With these areas, Rauma also has excellent potential to become a centre for clean transition companies.
The Seaside Industry Park provides an efficient environment for companies to operate in. The industrial park is home to successful shipbuilding and marine industry leaders with extensive networks, including Rauma Marine Constructions Oy, which manufactures multi-purpose corvettes for the Finnish Defence Forces.
Rauma is an attractive location for sustainable industry and business in the bio- and circular economy. Rauma aims to reduce its air emissions by 80% by 2030 as a leader in climate change mitigation.
The Port of Rauma
The Port of Rauma is the 4th largest international port in Finland. Transport modes: containers, Ro-Ro, Lo-Lo, dry and liquid bulk cargo, project cargo. Smooth rail and road connections throughout Finland. The port is a busy gateway to the world, with more than 20 vessels leaving Rauma for the world every week. The ships are mainly bound for the main European ports as well as the USA and the Far East.
The hub of maritime cluster Seaside Industry Park
The Seaside Industry Park provides an efficient environment for companies to operate in. The industrial park is home to successful shipbuilding and marine industry leaders with extensive networks, including Rauma Marine Constructions Oy, which manufactures multi-purpose corvettes for the Finnish Defence Forces.
Forest industry
The forest industry in Rauma includes Metsä Fibre’s pulp mill and the world’s most advanced pine sawmill, which recently started up, UPM Communication Papers Oy’s Rauma paper mill, Forchem Oy, which uses pine oil as a raw material, and Rauman Biovoima Oy, which produces green heat and electricity for UPM’s paper mill and Rauman Energia. In addition, Metsä Group is currently conducting a preliminary study for the construction of the first commercial Muoto™ packaging plant in its Rauma mill area.
Food industry
The food sector is strong in the Rauma region, for example Kivikylä Kotipalvaamo has production plants in Rauma, Huittinen and Säkylä and HKFoods has a broiler production plant in Rauma.
Sustainable development
Rauma’s economic development aims to support the clean transition of local businesses, sustainable development and climate-responsible actions. Business Rauma provides information and organises events on corporate sustainability reporting, energy efficiency and renewable energy, financing solutions for sustainable business development, and offers services to support climate responsibility.
Land use and planning solutions aim to prevent habitat loss and support the establishment of a clean transition to Rauma. By understanding the flows of by-products and raw materials, new, mutually supportive new businesses and the circular economy can be developed.
The skills needs of sustainable industry and clean transition investments will be met through close cooperation with educational institutions, ensuring staff skills development and providing training content, thesis topics and support for summer jobs to meet new needs.
Rauma Chamber of Commerce
There are 19 chambers of commerce in Finland, one of which operates in Rauma (since 1981). The Rauma Chamber of Commerce works to improve the operating conditions of business life in Rauma. Junior Chamber International Rauma is an active player in the region since 1958.
Contact us
Kotiranta Mirja
Business Development Specialist
Tel. +358 50 305 0317