Installation of smart smoke alarms in Rauman Asunnot Oy’s apartments

From 2026, the responsibility for the purchase and maintenance of smoke alarms will be transferred to the property owner.
We will start installing new smart smoke alarms in rental apartments owned by Rauman Asunnot Oy from this year onwards starting at the property at Uotilan Vanhatie 5. All properties will be fitted with smart smoke alarms by the end of next year. If a property already has electronic alarms, such as Sorkantie 13 and 15, Paranvahe 1-4, Raumanmerenkatu 11, Meriraumantie 13 and 15 and Tarvolantie 1, then only a heat and humidity sensor will be installed in the existing smoke alarms.
The smoke detector will be a Lungi-Smart smoke detector from Rauman Energia Oy with a condition service. The condition service enables heating control based on actual conditions and real-time information about conditions and deviations in the apartment.
The smoke detector is always identified in the apartment and cannot be removed by the user. The service allows us to monitor the condition and faults of each smoke detector. The smoke detector will operate and alarm normally in the apartment and in the event of an alarm, you must act in accordance with the safety instructions.