Rules of Procedure
Housing associations have rules of order, which contain common provisions on living comfort and safety. These rules apply to all residents and it is important that they are respected so that everyone has the opportunity to live in a comfortable and safe environment.

General Rules of Order
Common Spaces
In houses where the exterior doors are kept locked, the passerby must ensure that the door is locked again. Common areas must be used in a quiet and tidy manner and unnecessary presence is prohibited. Goods may only be stored in the residents’ storerooms and the storage of goods in the corridors is strictly prohibited. The owner of the property has the right to remove, at the tenant’s expense, any items left in the corridors.
Only outdoor equipment in use is stored in the outdoor storage area.
The storage of mopeds and other motorized vehicles is only allowed in specially marked moped storage areas. The charging of batteries of electric vehicles such as electric mopeds, bicycles, etc. in the electrical outlets in the common areas is prohibited.
Outdoor Areas
Waste must be sorted according to separate sorting instructions and placed in waste bins. Household waste must be placed in the bin in a packaged form. It is the responsibility of the tenant to dispose of any waste that does not belong in the bin (e.g. furniture, TVs and other household appliances, hazardous waste, removal boxes).
Cars must be parked in designated areas and parking in a parking space rented by another resident is strictly forbidden. Guest spaces are intended for short-term parking. Car washing is prohibited.
Charging electric vehicles from outlets other than those intended for charging them, such as car heating sockets and electrical outlets in external walls, is prohibited.
Carpets are dusted on the designated racks on weekdays between 7.00 and 21.00.
Apartments, Balconies and Terraces
Apartments must be lived in without disturbing neighbors. The house is quiet at night between 10 pm to 7 am. The apartments must be carefully maintained. The tenant is responsible for any damage caused to the apartment. The tenant must immediately report any water or other damage to the maintenance company or the landlord.
If the resident has a dishwasher or a waterbed in the apartment, the resident must take special care to ensure that no damage can occur as a result of using these items.
If the apartment is left empty for more than a week, please inform the landlord.
On the balcony of the apartment, ventilation of linen and other items of clothing is allowed inside the balustrade. The balcony must be kept tidy and snow must be removed in winter. It is forbidden to have an open fire, to use fireworks or to feed birds on the balcony. It is not allowed to install antennas or other objects visible to the outside of balcony. Balcony flower boxes and light boxes must be placed inside the balcony.
The tenant is obliged to keep the apartments yard area tidy and take care of its garden and snow work. Construction of fences, playhouses, etc. Construction requires permission from the property owner.
Smoking is not allowed in the apartment, if it is prohibited by the rental agreement. This prohibition also applies to the balcony of the apartment.
Smoking is not allowed inside the property. Smoking must be avoided within eight metres of windows and doors that can be opened and air intakes.
Outside the apartments, pets must be kept tied up at all times and must not disturb other residents. It is strictly forbidden to walk pets in the children’s playground. Pet faeces must be collected in waste bins.
There is an absolute ban on pets on the Sorkantie 13 property.
Rescue Plan
All our hosted houses have an emergency plan to ensure safety, as required by the Rescue Act. Be sure to check the emergency plan, which you can find in your tenancy agreement or on the notice board of your building.
What is Normal and What Should be Reported
Playing children is a normal life, and ball games cannot be banned throughout the common areas.
According to the property management association, for example, residents cannot be required to “be completely silent” even when the housing company’s bylaws state that there is silence in the house at 10 pm to 7 am. At night, a person returning from work may take a shower and may not be interfered with by the housing association’s own regulations.
The constant commotion of pets, such as the barking or howling of a dog, is guaranteed to tighten the nerves of the residents. However, barking at the doorbell ringing or at the sound of play is part of normal life and there is no right to complain about them. From an animal welfare point of view, barking, howling, etc. are considered to be part of the dog’s normal behavior when the animal’s solitary times are reasonable. However, if the dog is repeatedly left alone for excessively long periods (more than 12 hours at a time), it is a good idea to notify the animal welfare veterinarian as well.
Balcony grilling is permitted by law, as is smoking on the balcony. However, with the provision of the Tobacco Act, which came into force at the beginning of 2017, housing companies can also apply to the municipality for a smoking ban on apartment balconies, provided that all shareholders and residents are consulted before a decision is made. There is a property smoking ban in our rental homes that were built or renovated in 2011 or later. Balcony smoking is not allowed, as the ventilation equipment in the apartments is located on the balcony walls and smoke and odors are easily transmitted to the apartments. Smoking is only allowed in the courtyard far enough away from the house. If you smoke in the yard, be sure to also collect tumps.
If there is in the housing association repeatedly violated the rules of order and the actions significantly disrupt the lives of the neighbors, the residents must notify the property manager in writing with signatures. The notification must state the date and time, as the rules have been violated and how the events have progressed. If the need so requires, appellants should be prepared to testify in court.
In housing associations, every resident has a duty to tolerate other residents and the sounds of their normal living. Excessive control of other residents can also be considered harassment.
Cars, piles of snow, lighting poles, plantings and anything else that obstructs traffic must not be parked on the rescue road (Rescue Act 379/2011 § 11). The real estate company has authorized the City of Rauma to monitor parking in its yard area. Emergency parking is a traffic offense. If the vehicle is parked on an escape route in violation of the Rescue Act, the police or municipal parking supervisor may provide a local or warehouse transfer of the vehicle without delay.