Land Leases

Principles of land rental in the City of Rauma
Plots and building sites owned by the City of Rauma are usually leased for 30-60 years. As a rule, the lease can be transferred to a third party without consulting the city. With the exception of a few sites, the tenant has the right to buy the plot when the building obligation in the land lease contract has been fulfilled.
Are you selling or buying a building on a plot leased by the city?
After the transfer of a building on a city leasehold plot, for example after a sale, the new tenant must apply to the Land Registry to register the transfer of the lease in his/her own name. The transfer must be requested from the Land Registry within six months of the signing of the transfer deed or land lease agreement.
In connection with the sale of a building on a leasehold plot, the seller and the buyer must agree between themselves on the payment of the ground rent. The city does not split the invoices into separate invoices. The invoice can be paid even if it is in the name of the previous tenant. The invoice must be paid with the reference number shown on the invoice.
The new tenant must notify the City of the transfer of the lease when the transfer has taken place. The notification must be accompanied by copies of the signed transfer documents.
The transfer of the lease is to be notified to Irina Harjante, Land Use Specialist.
The same procedures apply to the transfer of the lease for corporate clients and private individuals.
Land rent invoicing
The City of Rauma invoices land rents in accordance with the lease agreement.
If you want to change the billing address, due date or ask about the basis for billing, please contact Irina Harjanne, Land Use Specialist, by email.
Payment date transfer
Payment deferrals are granted and payment plans are made subject to the following conditions:
- before the due date of the invoice
- and you have no previous outstanding invoices
- and you have not previously postponed the payment date of the invoice in question.
Requests for changes to ground rent billing are requested with the following information on the ground rent billing request:
Invoice number
Invoice reference number
Tenant of the land
Address of the plot or property identification number
Change of batch date
Number of instalments to be invoiced
Batch dates
Attached a copy of the invoice
Please send your request by e-mail to or by post, using the addressee details below. Payment change requests will not be processed by telephone.
Irina Harjanne
Canal Beach 3
P.O. Box 41, 26101 Rauma
A decision on the granting of a payment extension will be sent to the applicant after the application has been processed.