Making Requests for Information and City of Rauma Data Repositories

This is a public document description in accordance with Section 28 of the Public Administration Information Management Act (906/2019), and its purpose is to help requesting information and documents from the City of Rauma. The description must be maintained of the data repositories and the register of matters managed by the information management unit. The following information is collected in the description:

  • Information systems containing data for the register of matters or for the data management of services
  • Information on the deciding authority and contact details for submitting a request for information
  • Information resources in information systems by category
  • Information on search factors, i.e. guidance on how to better identify a request for information
  • For the time being, there is no information on the availability of the information resources in an open way through a technical interface.

Anyone has the right to obtain information about a public authority document that is in the public domain (Act on the Openness of Public Administration 621/1999, §9). Most of the documents of the City of Rauma are public. However, the documents may also contain confidential information. There is always a justification for secrecy under the Publicity Act or other legislation. In addition, an interested party has the right to be informed of matters concerning them. If information cannot be disclosed for reasons of confidentiality, the person requesting the information may, if they wish, ask for an appealable decision on their request for information.

The request for information must be dealt with without delay and the public document must be disclosed as soon as possible, but not later than two weeks after the authority has received the request for information. If the requested documents are large in number or contain confidential information or if other comparable reasons make it necessary to take special measures or otherwise require more work than usual to process and resolve the matter, the matter shall be resolved and the public document shall be disclosed within one month of the date on which the authority received the request at the latest (Publicity Act 14 §).

Personal data is processed with the accuracy required by data protection legislation. Information and guidance on data protection and data subjects’ rights can be found in a summarised form via the link below (only in Finnish for now):

Submitting a Request for Information

Requests for information addressed to the City of Rauma in accordance with the Publicity Act can be submitted by post, e-mail or by visiting in person at the Service Point Pyyrman or at the City Hall, where your identity will be verified if necessary. For information requests containing personal data, such as copies of school certificates, there is also the messaging service, which can be used to send the request in a secure manner and without compromising data protection.

The registry office registers the request for information and forwards it without delay to the appropriate body for processing. The request for information must be sufficiently specific to enable the authority to identify the document to which it relates. If necessary, we will help to identify the document from which the information is required. If the City of Rauma receives a request for information that falls within the competence of another authority, it will be forwarded to the authority competent in the matter in question (Administrative Act 434/2003, 21§), and the sender of the request will be informed accordingly.

Archived information can be requested directly from the City Archives at However, please do not send any requests containing personal data to this address.

By agreement, the customer can come and collect the requested information from the service point Pyyrman or the information desk at the town hall. The information can also be sent by post, e-mail, secure e-mail or via the messaging service.

Register of Matters

The City of Rauma maintains a register of pending cases, their processing stages and related documents. The register of matters refers to the decision-making system and other information systems used for case management. The register of administrative matters records all pending cases, related measures and documents.

Information can be retrieved from the register, for example, by case or document title, case group, case number, project or working group name, name of the sender or author of the document and various dates, such as the date of initiation of the case or the date on which the document was drawn up.

The records management system Assi (Tweb) is used by the City of Rauma as a register of administrative cases. Decision-making is mainly done in the Valmu application, from where the documents are stored in the records management system Assi. More detailed information on the content and structure of Assi is available from the registry office.

Information Resources

The City of Rauma’s information resources are described below by data category. Also listed below are the information systems in which an administrative decision is made in relation to the statutory tasks of the municipality, and the authority responsible for providing the information.

General Administration

Important materials include documents relating to the decision-making, the city’s code of conduct, the register of matters for administrative and support services, public notices and annual reports.

The authority responsible for the data repository is the City Board.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Human Resources Management

Important materials include information on employees in service in the personnel management register, including job descriptions, information on employees in an agency employment relationship and employees in a position of trust, information from the skills register, information resources guiding payroll management, collective and labour agreements, local collective and labour agreements, vacancy package, instructions and forms, and also information materials on occupational health and safety, well-being at work and occupational health care.

The authority responsible for the data repository is the City Board.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: KuntaRekry, payroll and human resources management system Personec F, Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Financial management

Important materials include information resources on financial planning, housing finance, sales order and financial transactions, accounting, sales account, travel account, purchase account and fixed asset accounts.

The authority responsible for the data repository is the City Board.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: Unit4-ERP system, Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Business and industry

Important materials include business services information resources.

The authority responsible for the data repository is the City Board.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: Customer management Hakosalo CRM, Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).


Important materials include information resources of the organisation of public employment and business services and rehabilitative work activities.

The authority responsible for the data repository is the City Board and The Etelä-Satakunta Employment Area Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Welfare and safety

Important materials include food and cleaning services information resources, the well-being programme including the well-being report and planning, operating instructions in the event of a radiological emergency, security breach notifications.

The authority responsible for the data repository is the City Board.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Housing and facility management

Important materials include tenancy agreements for rental housing, apartment data and tenant data, building information, maintenance data on buildings, control room data and consumption readings, leases, port and dock information, information resources on marinas, and marina maintenance records

The authority responsible for the data repository is Technical Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: housing application processing (Visma Tampuuri), management and invoicing of rental agreements (Haahtela Real Estate Information), facilities services service request system (BEM, Buildercom) and Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Streets and transport (regional services)

Important materials include information resources on the design and maintenance of streets and public areas, permits for public areas, parking control, and information on forest property management and maintenance of green areas and parks.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Technical Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: Helga Parking control system, and Helgapark ja Helgamobile (programme supplier Fujitsu), Vehicle transfers: Kunta-auto Kuusakoski Recycling, Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).


Important materials include register of buildings and apartments (DVV), building control information resources, billing data and permit decisions.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Environment and Licensing Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: building control permit processing programmes Trimble Locus ja Trimble Cloud, Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Planning and land use

Important materials include city planning information resources, archival planning documents, real estate transaction data, real estate data, land contract billing data, land valuation data, and private road grant information resources.

The authority responsible for the data repository is the City Board and Technical Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: planning register (Trimble Locus), register of road districts: processing of grants for private roads (Matriset Oy), Trimble eServices: prints of maps, property ownership and possession records and other documentary evidence, Trimble contract management: land lease management, Trimble locus Geographic information system: management of information on the built environment, including the real estate register, the city land property register, the address system, the maintenance of the base map and the production of spatial data, and Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Waste management

Important materials include information on waste management customers and information resources on hazardous waste.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Rauma Region Waste Management Utility Board of Directors.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: information on waste management customers (Vingo, Scalex), data on hazardous waste (M-files), Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Water management

Important materials include Rauma Water customer information, and water management’s own information resources.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Rauma Water and Sewerage Utility Board of Directors.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: Rauma Water customer information and other information resources (Vesikanta, LabkoNet ja Digitan Omavesi) and information relating to the planning and maintenance of water supply and related matters (Trimble). Rauman Water’s invoicing is handled by the City of Rauma’s financial management, so the information can be found in their information resources, Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).


Important materials include environmental protection information resources and environmental protection permits.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Environment and Licensing Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: YLVA ja NOTTO,,, Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).


Important materials include basic education pupil and guardian data, basic education teaching data, school and pre-school transport decisions, customer data for after-school activities for schoolchildren, data during studies at upper secondary schools, (student welfare records, including the client reports of school psychologists and the client reports of school curators, have become the property of the wellbeing services county from 1.1.2023).

The authority responsible for the data repository is Education Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: pupil management system VismaInschool (incl. Kurre, Primus, Wilma) ja Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Early childhood education and care

Important materials include pre-school and early childhood care data.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Education Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: Pro Consona Daycare ja Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).


Important materials include cultural services information resources, museum collection data, library customer register, library catalogue and sports grant documents.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Education Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: The museum’s collection management system, Axiell Aurora -library system ja Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Sports services

Important materials include information on sports facilities and sports grant documents.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Education Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: premises reservation system Timmi ja Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).


Important materials include proactive youth work registers, youth council records, youth event registrations, youth facility rental records, youth outreach records, youth service project records, youth work grant records, youth workshop youth records, youth workshop work and billing records, and youth workshop time tracking records.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Education Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: client and statistical system for youth work Par-application and Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Civic Education

Important materials include course and billing information for students at the adult education centre.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Education Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: course management system Hellewi ja Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

Music Education

Important materials include registers of music school pupils and their guardians and teachers.

The authority responsible for the data repository is Education Committee.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: student management programme Eepos ja Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).


Important materials include communication and event planning information resources.

The authority responsible for the data repository is the City Board.

Information in the register of matters and service information management: Valmu decision-making application, from which documents are transferred to the records management system Assi (tweb).

The City of Rauma also publishes a lot of information online to promote the principle of publicity.

The Rauma website provides comprehensive information on the services provided by the municipality, but also on pending matters. Among other things, citizens can find information on: