School Transport

The right to free school transport in the city of Rauma is granted to pupils in grades 1 to 2 whose school distance to the nearest school is more than three (3) kilometres, and to pupils in grades 3 to 9 whose school distance to the nearest school is more than five (5) kilometres. A pupil who receives transport may have to walk part of the way to school on their own along the transport route. A pupil is also entitled to school transport if, taking into account the age and circumstances of the pupil, the journey to school is too difficult, strenuous or dangerous according to expert advice.
In primary education, transport to and from school is provided primarily by public transport, although hired transport may also be used. Taxi transport will be provided where public transport or hired transport is not appropriate or possible. For more information on transport, please refer to the School Transport Guide (last update approved by the Education Committee on 22.06.2022).

School Transport Guide (in Finnish)
For more information on school transport legislation and general policies, see the guide.
School transport in basic education is managed by
How to Apply for Transport
It is recommended to apply for school transport electronically via Wilma. It is also possible to apply on a paper form, which can be obtained from schools, the Pyyrman service point and the city’s Education Department. The form can also be printed out via the link on this page.
In Wilma, at the top of the student’s home page, you will find the tab ‘Applications and Decisions’ (Hakemukset ja päätökset). The ‘Make a New Application’ (Tee uusi hakemus) button in the top right-hand corner of this tab will take you to the ‘School Transport Application’ (Kouloukuljetuksen hakeminen) form. The form is pre-filled with basic information about the pupil. After filling in the application information, the application must be saved, after which the system will give a confirmation that the application has been successfully saved. Once saved, the completed application can still be found on the same ‘Applications and Decisions’ (Hakemukset ja päätökset) tab and can be edited until it is processed by the Education Committee. Once the processing has started, the application can still be viewed, but there is no possibility to edit it. When a decision has been taken on an application, it (the title of the decision) is displayed with the date on the ‘Applications and Decisions’ (Hakemukset ja päätökset) tab, and clicking on the decision will display it in full.
Applications for taxi transport in primary education must be submitted annually. For bus transport, applications for grades 1-2 are made before the start of grade 1, applications for grades 3-6 before the start of grade 3 and applications for grades 7-9 before the start of grade 7. Bus and hired transport may therefore be granted for several school years at once. If there is a change of circumstances (e.g. school or home address), the application must always be resubmitted.
Applications for transport for the following academic year should be made in April (preferably not earlier), although it is of course possible to apply throughout the school year. Applications made in April will be processed and decisions published/sent by the end of June.
Application for Transport in Basic Education
Click on the button to open a printable pdf file.