Extending compulsory education
All children and young people permanently resident in Finland are subject to compulsory education. Compulsory education starts when a child reaches the age of seven and ends when he or she reaches the age of 18, or when he or she completes a secondary education qualification before that age.

Compulsory education
All children and young people permanently resident in Finland are subject to compulsory education. Compulsory education starts when a child reaches the age of seven and ends when he or she reaches the age of 18, or when he or she completes upper secondary education before that age. An exception is extended compulsory education for disabled or sick children, which starts at the age of 6 with pre-primary education, i.e. one year earlier than the prescribed age.
Every ninth-grader leaving primary school is obliged to apply for and continue in upper secondary education, intermediate education or other compulsory education. If a pupil does not find a place in the spring joint selection procedure, efforts will be made to find a place for him or her to continue his or her studies. In addition to the joint selection, it is also possible to apply for training, for example through a continuous search. If a pupil does not apply voluntarily, he or she will be allocated a place to study.
Compulsory education can be completed after basic education:
- in upper secondary education
- in vocational education and training
- in preparatory training for qualifications (TUVA)
- in community colleges for those in compulsory education
- for apprentices
- training for work and independent living (TELMA)
Free study
Extended compulsory education guarantees free education for all. Free education ends only after the completion of a secondary education qualification, but no later than the end of the calendar year in which the student reaches the age of 20.
Suspension of compulsory education
Suspension of compulsory education is possible on the grounds specified in the Compulsory Education Act:
- a long-term illness or disability preventing the completion of compulsory education
- pregnancy or parental leave
- temporary stay abroad
- other serious reasons relating to your life situation which prevent you from completing compulsory education
Suspension is at the request of the pupil or his/her guardian or other legal representative.
For questions about compulsory education and early school leaving, you can contact the compulsory education coordinator.