More than 600 people have received the Covid-vaccine in Rauma

More than 600 people have received the Covid-vaccine in Rauma

Woman receiving vaccination

Rauma began covid-vaccinations in January.

By 7 February, 606 have been vaccinated with the first dose, and of those 216 have been given also the second vaccination. Starting from week 7, the second dose will be given 12 weeks after the first one.

Future vaccinations

Starting on week 6, second doses are administered and vaccinations continue with people in continuous assisted living facilities. After this, the elderly and people with underlying diseases predisposing to severe covid disease are vaccinated.

In week 7 at the earliest, vaccination of persons under 70 years of age with diseases that are highly susceptible to severe coronavirus disease will begin. The vaccinations will follow the order determined by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The vaccination order for risk groups can be found here in English (