Negative covid-test does not automatically end quarantine

Negative covid-test does not automatically end quarantine

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Infection tracing in Rauma has received information, that some people who have been ordered into quarantine have ended the quarantine before receiving confirmation from health care officials.

Quarantines ordered under the Infectious diseases act cannot be ended without an official decision from healthcare officials. Breaking quarantine is an act punishable by criminal law. A negative test does not automatically end quarantine.

According to the Finnish institute for health and welfare quarantines can be lifted if a covid-test taken after six days from exposure comes back negative. Based on a negative test result, the doctor responsible for infectious diseases in the municipality or city may make a decision to end the quarantine. Hospital districts and municipalities are independently considering the extent to which they allow so-called exit testing.

– Exit-testing is in use in Rauma, but decision to lift the quarantine is only made by the infectious disease official based on the interview of the quarantined person conducted by infection tracing. Exposures in the family, additional exposures or risen symptoms can affect the decision, doctor responsible for infectious diseases Katrimari Salmela says.